We have moved. New office is located at Tampa and Victory by the 101.
Reseda, CA / Malibu, CA (818) 701-6300
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MLS Laser Therapy Reseda

Published on April 7, 2019

MLS Laser Therapy (short for Multiwave Locked System) is an FDA-cleared and patented new technology performed to reduce pain, inflammation, contracture, and edema in a short amount of time. The MLS pulse synchronizes the emissions to accomplish the best results possible. It is, in fact, this one of a kind synchronization that sets this treatment apart from other therapeutic treatments. The synchronization reinforces itself reciprocally without risking thermal damage to the foot.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of Multiwave Locked System Laser Therapy, and to find out if MLS laser therapy may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.