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Cartiva Treatment for Big Toe Arthritis Reseda

Published on March 3, 2019

Many people experience one form of arthritis or another in their lifetime. Arthritis of the big toe joint, also called hallux rigidus, is one form of arthritis that some people may experience. This condition occurs in the boney bump at the base of the big toe and can create issues impacting motion of the joint. Common symptoms of big toe arthritis include, pain, stiffness, and restricted motion ability.

Treating big toe arthritis is typically first treated using conservative therapies such as ice packs, changing footwear, anti-inflammatory prescription medications, and over the counter pain relievers. When the pain in the joint is getting more severe or if it is not responding to these more conservative treatments, surgical treatment may be needed.

Surgical treatment options for big toe arthritis may include removing bone spurs, join replacement, or joint fusion. Cartiva is a new FDA approved treatment that can greatly help those who suffer from big two arthritis. This procedure uses a hydrogel implant to replace the joint cartilage. Cartiva is a durable and bio-stable implant that minims natural bone cartilage density. Cartiva, in 5 years worth of data, has a 96% success rate.

To learn more about Cartiva and other options for treating big toe arthritis, contact our office today.